Is it too much to celebrate Thanksgiving for the entire weekend? The only thing that was missing from this perfect weekend was Mary and Adam.
On Thanksgiving I was at my parents. Of course I couldn't wait for Dad's mashed potatoes and all of the other good stuff :-) Dad - you out did yourself once again, even with only one good arm. It was a nice afternoon. I feel like Chris got a chance to visit with my family and get to know them a little better. Thanks to my family for making him feel welcome.
Friday I was able to celebrate Thanksgiving again with Chris and his family. There were 21 of us in all! Wow - Marilyn, I don't know how you do it??? It was a very fun day and great to meet more of Chris' family. They are all wonderful people. Gene and Marilyn are very gracious hosts.
Saturday we set aside the turkey for a rib feast back at the Walters. Jake made the sauce for the ribs - yum. Another fun night!
I feel blessed to have such a great family of my own and that Chris' family has opened their home and hearts up to me.
I can't wait for Christmas!!!!