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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Canadian Thanksgiving!

This past weekend, Chris and I ventured up to Vancouver, BC to celebrate the Canadian Thanksgiving with his side of the family.

We had a three day weekend, so it was great - and much needed. We drove up Saturday and checked into the hotel. We all had a wonderful dinner at Chris' Aunt and Uncles. The "kids" headed out after that for a few cocktails. Some of us had more than others.

Sunday Chris and I walked to Stanley Park and around the island - probably about 7-8 miles. The weather was beautiful and we really weren't on a time frame - it was great.

Sunday Thanksgiving dinner was at Aunt Leanne's. It was very enjoyable - just like our Thanksgivings. The turkey put us to sleep by 9:00 - ha!

Monday we drove Grandpa Don home and he showed us all around Hallmark - where he lives. It was nice to meet him and spend some time visiting with him.

It was a great Holiday. I can't wait for our Thanksgiving!

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