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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Getting Back to Blogging

It has been many months since I have blogged. I think part of it was my digital camera broke and so I've been taking fewer photos. Blogs are much more fun with photos.

The countdown to our official honeymoon is in full swing with only 7 days until we leave for Italy. I'm am getting so excited, it is hard to concentrate on anything else. Neither Chris nor I have ever been to Europe.

We have the girls this weekend and after that, I will start the packing process and making the decisions on what to wear. This really could take 7 days - ha!

I hope to have great photos and stories to post on my blog when we get back.

1 comment:

Jaci said...

Joan, have a wonderful time! So happy for you two. Can't wait to see pictures. Love ya!